Scientific Journal of Genetics and Gene Therapy Submit Manuscript

    Editorial Board

    Claudio Toma
    Senior Research Officer
    University of New South Wales (Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA))

    Dr Toma is senior research officer at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) and holds a conjoint lecturer position at School of Medical science (University of New South Wales). He obtained his PhD in human genetics at the University of Bologna (Italy) and carried out research projects in the genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (University of Oxford, UK) and in the genetics of psychiatric and Mendelian diseases at the University of Barcelona (Spain).  Dr Toma has extensive experience in association studies, linkage studies, copy number variant (CNV) analyses and whole exome/genome sequencing. He has identified novel candidate genes for autism spectrum disorder and bipolar disorder, and suggested new genetic mechanisms.

    Research Interest: Genetics of psychiatric diseases

    Number of Publications: 31

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    Dr. Saidulu Mattapally
    Department of Medicine
    The University of Alabama at Birmingham

    Research Interest: Research mainly focused on  Stem cells, cell  differentiation, and dedifferentiation, Congenital Heart Disease, Diabetic Cardiomyopathy, Pharmacology, Molecular  Genetics And Pulmonary Cardiac Regeneration.


    List of publications:

    1.  Mattapally S, Z Mattapally S, Pawlik KM, Fast VG, Zumaquero E, Lund FE, Randall TD, Townes TM, Zhang J.. Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I and II Knockout Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cells: Universal Donor for Cell Therapy. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018 Dec 4;7(23):e010239. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.118.010239.

    2.  Mattapally S, Zhu W, Fast VG, Gao L, Worley C, Kannappan R, Borovjagin A, Zhang
    J. Spheroids of cardiomyocytes derived from human induced-pluripotent stem cells
    improve recovery from myocardial injury in mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.
    2018 Aug 1;315 (2):H327-H339.

    3.  Mattapally S, Cukier-Meisner W.K, Zhang J. (2017) Differentiation and Use of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Cardiovascular Therapy and Tissue Engineering. In: Ieda M., Zimmermann WH. (eds) Cardiac Regeneration. Cardiac and Vascular Biology. Springer. DOI

    4.  Gao L, Gregorich Z, Zhu W, Mattapally S, Oduk Y, lou X, Kannappan R, Borovjagin A, Walcott G, Pollard A, Fast V, Hu X, Lloud SG, Ge Y, Zhang J: Large Cardiac-muscle Patches Engineered from Human Induced-pluripotent Stem-cellderived Cardiac Cells Improve Recovery from Myocardial Infarction in Swine. Circulation 2017.

    5.  Zhu W, Zhao M, Mattapally S, Zhang J: CCND2 Overexpression Enhances the Regenerative Potency of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes: Remuscularization of Injured Ventricle. Circulation Research 2017. 121:9.

    6.  Mattapally S, Nizamuddin S, Murthy KS, Thangaraj K, Banerjee SK. c.620C>T mutation in GATA4 is associated with congenital heart disease in South India. BMC Medical Genetics 2015, 16:7.

    7.  Mattapally S, Singh M, Murthy KS, Asthana S, Banerjee SK. Computational modeling suggests impaired interactions between NKX2.5 and GATA4 in individuals carrying a novel pathogenic D16N NKX2.5 mutation. Oncotarget 2018_ 9 (17), 13713.

    8.  Mattapally S, Banerjee SK: Nitric oxide: Redox balance, protein modification and therapeutic potential in cardiovascular system. IIOAB Journal 2011, 2:29-38.

    9.  Kannappan R, Mattapally S, Pooja S, Zhang J. Transactivation Domain of P53 Regulates DNA Integrity in Human Cardiac Fibroblast Derived iPS Cells. AJP-Heart and Circ- 2018 Sep 1;315(3):H512-H521. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00160.2018.

    10.  Pala RS, Pathipati UR, Mattapally S, Banerjee SK. Ultra-small silver nanoparticles induced ROS activated Toll-pathway against Staphylococcus aureus disease in silkworm model. Materials Science and Engineering, 2017: C 77, 990-1002.

    11.  Bagul PK, Middela H, Matapally S, Padiya R, Bastia T, Madhusudana K, Reddy BR, Chakravarty S, Banerjee SK. Attenuation of Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and hepatic oxidative stress by resveratrol in fructose-fed rats. Pharmacological Research, 2012, 66(3): 260-268.

    12.  Zhao M , Fan C, Ernst PJ , Tang Y, Zhub H , Mattapally S , Oduk Y , Borovjagin AV ,
    Zhou L , Zhang J, , Zhu W. Y-27632 Preconditioning Enhances Transplantation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes in Myocardial Infarction Mice. Cardiovascular Research, cvy207,

    13.  Adela R, Nethi SK, Bagul PK, Barui AK, Mattapally S, Kuncha M, Patra CR, Reddy PN, Banerjee SK. Hyperglycaemia Enhances Nitric Oxide Production in Diabetes: A study from Indian Patients. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 20;10(4).

    14.  Nethi SK, Veeriah V, Barui AK, Rajendran S, Mattapally S, Misra S, Chatterjee S and Patra CR. Investigation of molecular mechanisms and regulatory pathways of pro-angiogenic nanorods. Nanoscale. 2015,7, 9760-9770.

    15.  Santhoshi A, Mahendar B, Mattapally S, Sadhua P, Banerjee SK, Rao VJ. Synthesis of Thio-HeterocyclicAnaloguesfrom Baylis-Hillmann Bromides as Potent Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 2014, 24 (8), 1952-1957.

    16.  Ravinder M, Mahendar B, Mattapally S, Hamsini KV, Reddy TN, Rohit C, Srinivas K, Banerjee SK, Rao VJ. Synthesis and evaluation of novel 2-pyridone derivatives as inhibitors of phosphodiestarase3 (PDE3): A target for heart failure and platelet aggregation. Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 2012, 22(18): 6010-6015.

    More Info.
    Jonathan N Bella
    Associate Professor
    Department of Medicine
    Albert Einstein College of Medicine

    Research Interest: Cardiovascular disease epidemiology, hypertensive heart disease, cardiovascular imaging and genetic epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases.

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    Moutaz Derbala
    Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
    Cornell University
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    Paul H Hartel
    Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
    Davis Memorial Hospital

    Research Interest: Pathology including molecular findings in lung and breast cancer.

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    Sushma Yadav
    Assistant Research Professor
    Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism Research

    Research Interest: Biomarkers for the early detection and targeted therapeutics for triple negative breast cancer, oxidative stress and its role in linking cancer and diabetes, development of protein based biologics, clathrin coated pit-mediated endocytosis and its downstream signaling, drug delivery, syngeneic and xenografts mice model.

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    Boren Lin
    University of Toledo

    Research Interest: Inflammatory responses, bone regeneration, bone metabolism, osteoclast, osteoblast, mesenchymal stem cell, signal transduction, cancer-induced bone diseases.

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    CH Tsai Morris
    Staff Scientist
    National Institutes of Health

    Research Interest: Endocrinology, Molecular Cell Biology, Medical Genetic, Biochemistry, Genomic, Bioinformatics, Drug Discovery

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    Xiaosheng Wang
    Department of Genetics, Cell Biology & Anatomy
    University of Nebraska Medical Center

    Research Interest: Analysis of genomic data including next-generation sequencing, microarrays data etc.; development of algorithms for discovery of predictive biomarkers for cancer such as gene mutation signatures and gene expression signatures; systems and computational biology for elucidating the nature of oncogenesis; inference of molecular interaction networks relevant to specific disease; inference of cancer genomic evolution based on gene mutation information; identification of synthetic lethal genes for cancer therapy.

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    Chand Sourabh
    Department of Nephrology
    Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

    Research Interest: Clinical research is in caveolin-1 (and related candidate gene) single nucleotide polymorphism in kidney disease, transplantation, patient related morbidity as well as basic science research of caveolin-1, its knockout, pericytes in models of renal fibrosis and methods to reintroduce caveolin-1 using viromimetic vectors. Other research interests include cytomegalovirus risk, allograft outcome prediction, medications effects in transplantation.

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    Amar Al Shibli
    UAE university

    Research Interest: Pediatrics and Pediatric Nephrology, (tubular discarders in particular).

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    Habib A Shojaei Saadi
    Department of Animals Sciences
    Laval University

    Research Interest: Epigenetics, DNA methylation, Gene expression.

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    Moritz Caspar Franz Oberstadt
    Department of Pharmacology
    University of Greifswald,

    Research Interest: Epigenetics in glioma, especially methylation patterns, Stem cell research in glioma

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    Venera Cardile
    Associate Professor
    University of Catania,

    Graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Catania, CNR scholarship holder, specialized in "Experimental Medicine", technical officer in charge of the Cellular Physiology laboratory of the Department of Physiological Sciences, Researcher and Assistant Professor for the disciplinary sector BIO/09 Physiology, she is currently Associate Professor of Physiology at the Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences of the University of Catania. She holds the national scientific qualification as Full Professor for the scientific disciplinary sector BIO/09 Physiology.

    She has carried out teaching activities for the degree courses in Natural Sciences (five-year), Biological Sciences (five-year), Ecological Sciences and Environmental Education (level I) and Environmental Sciences (level II). She currently teaches General and Environmental Physiology (9 C.F.U.) for the Degree Course in Environmental and Natural Sciences (1st level), Ecophysiological Adaptations to the Environment for the Degree Course in Environmental Biology, Physiology for the Degree Courses in Nursing, Radiology and Radiotherapy Technicians, and Environmental Safety Technicians, and Biophysics Physiology I Channel A and Channel C (8 C.F.U.) for the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery (five-year).

    She has held lessons for the second level University Masters "Monitoring and assessment of environmental, mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic risk" and "Monitoring of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and environmental risk", at the theoretical-practical training and professional development course organized in Catania by the National Order of Biologists, at the specialized training course "New figures of advanced technology specialists for the identification and analysis of biomarkers in the oncology sector" entrusted by the Company Medical Sciences s.r.l. within the Industrial Research and Training Project PON01_02418 and for the National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Neurological Sciences UOS of Catania within the training project connected to the Project "DNA on Disk: Diagnostic platform and kits for human health in the oncology, neurological and infectious diseases and poverty-related diseases" - CTN01_00177_817708, financed by the resources of the program National Operational "Research & Competitiveness (PON "R&C") PON01_0248.

    Research Interest: Environmental Physiology,Cell cultures; Cell models; Cell physiology; Signal transduction; Gene expression; Proteomics; Mesenchymal stem cell biology and differentiation ; Krabbe disease, e

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    Maria Piccione
    University of Palermo,

    Research Interest: Genetics

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    Anna Grandone
    Second University of Naples

    Research Interest: Pediatrics, endocrinology, short stature, puberty, obesity, genetics

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    Alice Luddi
    Siena University

    Research Interest: Gene expression, gene therapy, cell biology, neurodegenerative disease, male and female infertility.

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    Diana Liberata Esposito
    University of Chieti-Pescara,

    Research Interest: IRS1 IRS2,miR-200a,insulin/IGF signaling,paraganglioma,APC gene

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    Antonino Tuttolomondo
    Assistant Professor
    University of Palermo,

    Research Interest: Epidemiology and  pathophysiology of ischemic stroke Inflammatory  activation of the acute phase of acute ischemic stroke in relation of  subtypes of ischemic stroke,CD4+CD28- T cells in acute ischemic stroke  killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) receptors in acute clinical subtypes of acute ischemic stroke Treatment with  high-dose furosemide and small-volume hypertonic saline therapy in refractory heart failure Treatment with  high-dose furosemide and small-volume hypertonic saline therapy in refractory ascites diabetic foot as a cardiovascular risk marker Anderson-Fabry disease

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    Daniele Fanale
    Department of Medical Oncology
    University Hospital Policlinico,

    Research Interest: Cancer biology, Cancer biomarkers, Cancer cells, Cancer research, Copy number variants, Epigenetics, Gene expression, Genomics, Gene regulation, Human genetics, Microarray analysis, microRNA, Molecular Oncology, Transcriptomics

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    Valentina Gatta
    Associate Professor
    University of Chieti

    Current position:
    2011- present : Associate Professor of Medical Genetics (Area A1/06- SSD MED03), University of Chieti-Pescara  Italy On April  2017, VG obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor  in Medical Genetics  (SSD MED/03)

    Previous positions:

    2005-2011:  University Researcher (Medical Genetics - MED 03) University of Chieti-Pescara ( Italy)
    2002-2005: Post-Phd Fellowship supported by University of Chieti.
    1995- Fellowship supported by European Structural Funds. Research area:  Biological and Medical Science carried out at the  Centro di Genetica Evoluzionistica- CNR Rome

    Research Interest: During the course of her scientific activity, VG  worked in the field of molecular genetics, using the most recent techniques for the study of gene mutations causing pathologies such as male infertility, short stature (linked to mutations of the SHOX gene), familiar breast cancer (due to mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes), Van Der Woude syndrome (IRF6 gene), and several neuromuscular diseases (Duchenne Muscular Dystrohpy, distal SMA, and others).
     She is head of a research team, working in the CAST research Centre of Chieti University specialized in molecular genetics.
     During these years VG primary interest was the study of the molecular basis of human reproduction and  she is currently investigating molecular mechanisms involved in oocyte competence and male infertility.
     These studies have been carried out by VG using a variety of molecular genetics technique like PCR, Southern Blot, DNA sequencing, as well as Multiple Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA). In the last few years, she has employed Real Time PCR, microarray , HRM, pyrosequencing and NGS technologies to investigate the modulation of gene expression profile in  different  models and SNPs (oocyte mitochondrial DNA, sperm, cumulus cells, oocyte, Transgenic Mouse Models of AD, stem cells).


    Number of publications: 10

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    Alessandro Pezzini
    Associate Professor
    Department of Clinical Sciences
    University of Brescia,
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    Ashraf Virmani

    Research Interest: Mechanism(s) of neurotransmitter and hormone synthesis, secretion and action, and the associated cellular regulatory pathways and their modulation by pharmacological agents. I am also interested in the effects of pharmacological and dietary modulation (medical foods, herbs, behavioural techniques etc) of metabolic, cellular, organ and systemic levels. I am especially interested in the age-related diseases, such as cancer, neurodegeneration. Expertise in the prevention of CNS/PNS damage in conditions related to metabolic syndrome (diabetes), stroke, ischemia, hypoxia and diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

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    Michele Callea
    Institute for Maternal and Child Health Hospital Burlo Garofalo,

    Research Interest: Ectodermal Dysplasia, hypodontia, rare diseases, genetic diseases, hyperdontia, oral manifestations, Cleidocranial Dysplasia, Amelogenesis Imperfecta, Dentinogenesis Imperfecta, X linked reticulated pigmentary disorder, Turner Syndrome, Williams-Beuren syndrome, Alagille Syndrome, Neurofibromatosis, Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, Allgrove Syndrome, delopmental biology

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    Anna Dubaniewicz
    Department of Pulmonology
    Medical University of Gdansk,

    Research Interest: The immunology and immunogenetic of tuberculosis and sarcoidosis with particular interests in the role of HLA, NRAMP1 and participation of M. tuberculosis heat shock proteins in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis; Mycobacterial heat shock proteins and their role in sarcoidosis and tuberculosis.

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    Katarzyna Anna Starska
    Medical Univeristy,

    Research Interest: Oncology, Genetics and Gene Therapy, Signaling Pathways, Molecular Research, Cell Biology, Signal transduction.

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    Ewa Izycka-Swieszewska

    Research Interest: Neuropathology, molecular pathology of tumors, general  and pediatric pathology

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    Agnieszka Paradowska Gorycka
    Assistant Professor
    National Institute of Geriatrics,

    Research Interest: genetic studies, molecular biology, rheumatology, autoimmune diseases, polymorphisms and mutation, RNA and protein levels, T cells, transcriptional factors, cytokines, angiogenesis, signaling pathways in immune responses, inflammation

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    Zhongzhou Chen
    Department of Biological Sciences
    Agricultural University,
    PR China

    Research Interest: Protein expression, purification, crystallization and structure determination Sign a transaction and transcription regulation Chemistry, drug design, origin of life and quantum chemistry

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    Marcela Kudelova
    Department of Molecular Pathogenesis of Viruses
    Slovak Academy of Sciences,

    Research Interest: Molecular biology and pathogenesis of herpesviruses, molecular mechanisms of establisment of latency and virus reactivation from latency in vitro and in vivo, molecular genetics of attenuattion and regulation of gene expression

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    Alejandro Iglesias-Linares
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    Isidro Vitoria Minana
    University of Valencia,

    Research Interest: Water composition and nutrition Genetics in Inborn Error Metabolism Nutrition in Pediatrics

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    Hung-Yun Lin
    Institute of Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery
    Taipei Medical University,
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    Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva
    Dept of Forensic Odontology
    University of Sao Paulo

    Research Interest: Forensic Odontology; Forensic Anthropology; Dental malpratice litigation

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    Jacinto da Costa Silva Neto
    Department of Histology and Embryology
    Federal University of Pernambuco,

    Research Interest: Processos carcinogênicos e progressão de lesão. Invasão e metastáse. Processos patológicos envolvendo Papilomavirus humano (HPV) Estudos envolvendo análises citológicas e histopatológicos.

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    Mateus Ferreira Santana
    Federal University of Vicosa,

    Research Interest: Molecular markers Genome, Evolutionary and Population, Genetics, Microbial Genetics

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    Sandra Ventorin von Zeidler
    Associate Professor,
    Department of Pathology
    Federal University of Esprito Santo,

    Research Interest: Head and Neck Cancer Objetivos:Epidemiology and Head and Neck pathology. Biomarkers of prognostic in Head and Neck tumors

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    Rommel Mario Rodriguez Burbano
    Associated Professor
    Federal University of Para,

    Research Interest: Genética Humana e Médica Carcinogênese Mutagênese

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    Elizabeth Chen
    Associated Professor,
    Department of Morphology and Genetics
    Federal University of Sao Paulo,
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    Paulo Sarmanho da Costa Lima
    Agricultural Research
    Agricultural Research Centre,

    Research Interest: Biological Sciences, Genetics, Subarea: Molecular Genetics of Microorganisms and Major Agrarian Sciences, Agronomy, Plant, Specialty: Vegetable Improvement  Major, Agrarian Sciences, Agronomy, Subarea: Plant, Specialty: Management and Cultural Abuse

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    Guangwen Long
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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    Yi Huang
    Department of Neurosurgery
    Zhejiang University,

    Research Interest: Systems biology research for brain arteriovenous, malformation

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    Xiaoxia Lu
    Department of Pulmonary Medicine
    Wuhan Women and Children Health Care Center,
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    Tian-Biao Zhou
    Assistant Professor
    Sun Yat-sen University,
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    Zihui Tang
    Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism
    Tongji University

    Research Interest: Diabetes and its Complications, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Disease, Neuropathy; Mathematical Modelling for Human Complex Disease; Policy and Clinical Decision Analysis in Medical Science; Stochastic Process Analysis and Bayesian Analysis for Clinical Medicine; Mathematical Methodology Development for Clinical Science; Gene Mapping and Identification of Human Complex Disease; Data Analysis for Results of Experiment

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    Xue Gao
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    PLA General Hospital

    Research Interest: Genomics Application in Auditory Disease; Novel Deafness Gene and Mutations Identification; Next Generation Sequencing

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    Zhang Jianzhong
    Department of Communicable Disease Diagnostics
    State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention & Control

    Research Interest: My Research Focuses on the Bacterial Pathogens Analysis. It includes: Pathogen Identification (Including MALDI-TOF MS/MS Analysis); Bacteria GWAS Analysis; Infectious Disease Diagnosis; Vaccine Development

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    Lin Zhou
    Associate Professor
    Department of Laboratory Medicine
    Second Military Medical University

    Research Interest: Experienced in Molecular Biologic, Cellular Biologic, and Immunologic Techniques; Expert at Flow Cytometry, ELISA, Real-Time PCR, and Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay.

    Current Research is focused on the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Role of B-Cell-Activating Factor (BAFF) in Autoimmune Disorders

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    Yong-yi Yuan
    Department of Otolaryngology
    Chinese PLA General Hospital

    Research Interest: Identification of the Gene Responsible for Hereditary Deafness and Onycodystrophy Syndrome and Functional Study on the Gene

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    Shiwei Duan
    Ningbo University,

    Research Interest: Epigenomics and pharmacogenomics in anti-cancer chemotherapy (Epi)Genetics and (epi)genomics for cancers and complex diseases

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    Bo Wang
    Associate Professor
    Department of pathology
    University for the Nationalities

    Research Interest: Molecular Biology and Toxicology; Mainly on Liver Toxicity and Testis of Cadmium, he has Made a Great Contribution to Understand the Mechanisms and to Potentially Prevent these Diseases for Cadmium

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    Taeg Kyu Kwon
    Department Immunology
    Keimyung University,

    Research Interest: Mechanisms of cell signaling pathway of cell death Cancer Biology Mechanisms of anti-cancer effect of cancer chemopreventive agents

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    JS Chang
    Biological & Genetic Resources Institute

    Research Interest: Molecular Ecology: Biological Resources Indicator species application of ecological risk assessment Microbial Indicators Molecular genetics of arsenic resistance system bacteria

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