International Journal of Radiology and Radiation Oncology Submit Manuscript

    Editorial Board

    Daniel Gyingiri Achel
    Chief Research Scientist
    Applied Eadiation Biology Centre, Radiological and Medical Sciences Researc Institute
    Ghana Atomuc Energy Commission

    I hold BSc and MPhil degrees in Biochemistyry from the University of Ghana. I successfully graduated with a PhD in Aging studies (radiation biology) in 2013 with a “Suma cum Laude” from the University of Murcia Spain. This was followed by a one-year post-doctoral fellowship at the Division of Radiobiology, Stellenbosch University where I studied “protein biomarkers for radiation dosimetry”.    

     I was engaged by the Ghana Education Service to teach Chemistry to high school students after my undergraduate studies in 1990, and resigned as a senior Superintendent.

    I was employed by the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission in January 1998 as a Research Scientist researching in the use of molecular and isotopic techniques for the diagnosis of  tuberculosis and have since risen to the rank of Chief Research Scientist.

     I was made the Centre Manager of the Applied Radiation Biology Centre of the Radiological and Medical Sciences Research Institute (RAMSRI) here at the GAEC in 2009 until July 2016 where  I became the substantive Deputy-Director of RAMSRI.
     Within the GAEC, I initiated and led some important projects including; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Coordinated Research Project “Strengthening of “Biological dosimetry” in IAEA Member States and co-investigator of an IAEA marine project RAF 7/0/14,  “The Application of Nuclear Analytical Techniques to Support Harmful Algal Bloom Management In The Context Of Climate And Environmental Change”. Additionally, I was also Chief Scientific Investigator of IAEA CRP: - “Assessment of food chain transfer of harmful algal toxins and heavy metals in some marine organisms in the coastal waters of Ghana”.
     Moreover, I initiated several minor projects since joining the GAEC including pioneering work in the area of botanical medicine hinging around the evaluation of medicinal plant extracts for their radioprotective, radiosensitising and anti-cancer principles. I also pioneered work in the area of biological dosimetry in the GEAC and Ghana.
     I have served on several committees within and outside the the GAEC including the GAEC Corporate Strategic Plan Review Committee, RAMSRI Administrative Committee, RAMSRI Research and Technical Committee. I prrviously served as member of the Presidential Committee on Vaccines Manufacturing in Ghana and currently a member of Governing Board of the National Vaccines Institute (NVI), member of Project steering committee  of Post Covid-19 Skills Development and Productivity Enhancement Project (PSDPEP) and member  and member of the GHS/WHO International Health Regulations (IHR) Steering Committee (Radiation Focal Group).
     Internationally, I previously served as a reviewer for two (2) International Journal and taken part in numerous international conferences and workshops on cancer and radiation biology, biodosimetry, biotechnology and various diverse areas of endeavour. I have also acted as supervisor for undergraduate and postgraduate students but also as an external examiner for PhD theses in Radiobiology, toxicology and radiation protection for some local an international Universities.

     Research Interest: My interest inytersets spans from science education and management, teaching and to life science research in such areas as, Radiobiology, Neutrophils and radiation induced reactive oxygen species. Biodosimetry. Radioprotectors and Radiosensitizers. Cancer biologyand Phytomedicine/natural products.

    More Info.
    Manal Ramadan Mohammed
    Assistant Professor
    Radiation Biology Research
    Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority

    • Assistant Professor of Cytogenetics, I embarked on my academic journey by pursuing a Bachelor's degree, followed by an MSc and Ph.D. from the Faculty of Science-Ain Shams University. Obtained a Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering Diploma from VACSERA and the Scientific Informatics Research Academy Center for Biotechnology. Hold a General Diploma in Education from the Institute of Educational Studies and Research at Cairo University. Attended numerous training courses and workshops.
    • My expertise in radiation Cytogenetics allows me to investigate the effects of ionizing irradiation on chromosomes both in vivo and in vitro. Deciphering the molecular changes that occur and understanding their potential long-term consequences. Discovering the radioprotective and radiosensitizing effects of various natural and synthesized compounds on normal and tumor cells, with the aim of improving the radiotherapeutic process.
    • My research findings have been published in impacted scientific journals, actively collaborated with national institutions, fostering interdisciplinary partnerships. These collaborations have resulted in significant contributions, including a deeper understanding of the cytogenetic effects of radiation & their connection to other biological effects.
    • Member of "The Egyptian Society of Nuclear Sciences and Applications" and reviewer for Cell Biology journal U.S.A., and volunteered as a reviewer for 11 journals in ELSEVIER.

    Research Interest:

    • Chromosomal Analysis
    • Radiation Cytogenetics
    • Comet Assay
    • Radioprotectants
    • Radiosensitizers
    • Antitumors Research
    • Tissue Culture

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    Carmine Picone
    Doctor of Medicine
    Division of Radiology
    Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione G. Pascale

    Research Interest: Oncology, Radiology, Radiation Protection, Radiobiology

    1)Cystic  Nephroma: report of a case an review of the literature. A.Baldi, V. De Crescenzo, D. Ranieri Giordano, R. Lamberti, A. Perna, C. Picone, A. Lucariello et al.IN VIVO( IF 1.264) 21.895-896( 2007)

    2)“Intraluminal Gel US and Eco-color Doppler:New Tools for Study of Colorectal cancer in Mice” A.Barbieri, M.L. Baretta, D.Rea, C. Picone, O.Fabozzi, G.Palma, L. Antonio, A.Federico, S.Bimonte, F.Setola, E. de Lutio di Castelguidone, M.castellano, A.Gallipoli D’Errico, M.Caraglia and C.Arra pubblicato su rivista IN VIVO (IP 1.264)

    3) ” And what about Gaba Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as an Indirect Tool to Evaluate Riluzole Efficacy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis? Raffaella Mormile1 *, Gennaro Mazzei2 , Anna Russo2 , Carmine Picone2 , Mario De Michele3 and Bruno Guida4  J Mol Biomark Diagn 2013, 4:3 IF 3,370

    4)”Microvascular  invasion and grading in hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation whit major and ancillary features according to LIRADS” Granata V, Fusco R., Setola S.V., Picone C., Petrillo A. Izzo F.  Abdominal Radiology 44(8) 2019 ( IF 1506)

    5)Cetuximab, irinotecan and  fluorouracile in first-line treatment-selected advanced colorectal cancer patient : the CIFRA study protocol Ottaiano A., Scala S, Normanno N, Delrio P., Picone C., Nasti G.BMC Cancer 19(1) 899.(IF 3.288)

    6)Immunotherapy in Small Cell Lung Cancer. Esposito G, Palumbo G, Carillio G, Manzo A, Montanino A, Sforza V, Costanzo R, Sandomenico C,         La Manna C, Martucci N, La Rocca A, De Luca G, Piccirillo MC, De Cecio R, Botti G, Totaro G, Muto P, Picone C, Normanno N, Morabito A .Cancers ( I.F 5.326) 22020 Sep 4;12(9):2522.

    7)The safety of atezolizumab plus chemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic lung cancer Manzo, A., Carillio, G., Montanino, A.,Picone C. ...Normanno, N., Morabito, A. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 2020, 19(7), pp. 775–783

    8) Pembrolizumab in lung cancer: current evidence and future perspectives. Palumbo G, Carillio G, Manzo A, Montanino A, Sforza V, Costanzo R, Sandomenico C, Manna C, Luca G, Piccirillo MC, Daniele G, Cecio R, Botti G, Totaro G, Muto P, Picone C, Esposito G, Normanno N, Morabito A. Future Oncol.  (IF 2260   )2019 Oct;15(29):3327-3336  Epub 2019 Aug 21.PMID: 31432705

    9)Aflibercept or bevacizumab in combination with FOLFIRI as second-line treatment of mRAS metastatic colorectal cancer patients: the ARBITRATION study protocol Ottaiano, A., Scala, S.,Picone C. Santorsola, M., ...Caraglia, M., Nasti, G. Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology, 2021, 13

    10) Quantitative imaging decision support (QIDSTM) tool consistency evaluation and radiomic analysis by means of 594 metrics in lung carcinoma on chest CT scan Fusco, R., Granata, V., Mazzei, M.A., C.Picone ...Petrillo, A., Miele, V. Cancer Control, 2021, 28

    11) Surgery in small-cell lung cancer Martucci, N., Morabito, A., La Rocca, A. , Picone C., ...Normanno, N., La Manna, C. Cancers, 2021, 13(3), pp. 1–14, 39

    12) Lymphadenopathy after bnt162b2 covid-19 vaccine: Preliminary ultrasound findings Granata, V., Fusco, R., Setola, S.V., Picone C...Grassi, R., Petrillo, A. Biology, 2021, 10(3), 214

    13) Radiomics in hepatic metastasis by colorectal cancer Granata V.a,Fusco R.a, Barretta M.L.a,Picone C.a,Avallone A.b, et  Belli A.c,Patrone R.c,Ferrante M.d,Cozzi D.e, Grassi R.d,Grassi R.d, f,Izzo F.c  Infectious Agents and Cancer ( 2021) Volume 16, Issue 1

    14)Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia in a Patient with Lung Adenocarcinoma and EGFR Mutation Treated with Afatinib During the Coronavirus Pandemic 2019 Agnese Montanino1, Giovanna Esposito1, Giuliano Palumbo1, Anna Manzo1, Vincenzo Sforza1, Raffaele Costanzo1, Claudia Sandomenico1, Carmine La Manna2, Rossella De Cecio3, Gerardo Botti4, Paolo Muto5, Giuseppe Totaro5, Carmine Picone6, Nicola Normanno7 and Alessandro Morabito1*Clinical Oncology & Research doi:10.31487/j.COR.2020.07.02 Volume 3(7): 2-3

    15) RET inhibitors in non-small-cell lung cancer Cascetta, P., Sforza, V., Manzo, A.,C.Picone .Normanno, N., Morabito, A. Cancer  s 2021, 13(17), 4415

    16) Preliminary report on computed tomography radiomics features as biomarkers to   immunotherapy selection in lung adenocarcinoma patients Granata, V., Fusco, R., Costa, M.,C.Picone ...Miele, V., Petrillo, A. Cancers 2021, 13(16), 3992

    17) Evolution of ct findings and lung residue in patients with covid-19 pneumonia: Quantitative analysis of the disease with a computer automatic tool Grassi, R., Cappabianca, S., Urraro, F., C.Picone...Grassi, R., Miele, V. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2021, 11(7), 641

    18) Unexpected tumor reduction in metastatic colorectal cancer patients during SARS-Cov-2 infection Ottaiano, A., Scala, S., D’Alterio, C., ...Petrillo, A., Nasti, G. Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology, 2021, 13

    19)  RET inhibitors in non-small-cell lung cancer Cascetta, P., Sforza, V., Manzo, A., ...Normanno, N., Morabito, A. Cancers, 2021, 13(17), 441

    20)Radiomics in hepatic metastasis by colorectal cancer Granata, V., Fusco, R., Barretta, M.L., ...Izzo, F., Petrillo, A. Infectious Agents and Cancer, 2021, 16(1), 39

    21) Liquid BiopsyTesting for the Management of Patient with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Carrying a Rare Exon-20 EGFR Insertion Morabito, A., Manzo, A., Montanino, A., ...Lastoria, S., Normanno, N. Oncologist 2022, 27(1), pp. 7–12

    22)Genetic landscape of colorectal cancer patients manifesting tumor shrinkage during SARS-Cov-2 infection Ottaiano, A., Santorsola, M., Circelli, L., ...Savarese, G., Caraglia, M. Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 2022, 14

    23) Imaging Assessment of Interval Metastasis from Melanoma Simonetti, I., Trovato, P., Granata, V., ...Sandomenico, F., Petrillo, A. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022, 12(7), 1033

    24) Multimodality Imaging Assessment of Desmoid Tumors: The Great Mime in the Era of Multidisciplinary Teams Simonetti, I., Bruno, F., Fusco, R., ...Petrillo, A., Granata, V. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022, 12(7), 115

    25) Lurbinectedin in small cell lung cancer Manzo, A., Sforza, V., Carillio, G., ...Normanno, N., Morabito, A.

    Frontiers in Oncology, 2022, 12, 932105

    26) Not only lymphadenopathy: case of chest lymphangitis assessed with MRI after COVID 19 vaccine Granata, V., Fusco, R., Vallone, P., ...Izzo, F., Petrillo, A. Infectious Agents and Cancer , 2022, 17(1), 8

    27) Risk Management Activities in a Lung Cancer Multidisciplinary Team at a Comprehensive Cancer Center: Results of a Prospective Analysis. Morabito A, Mercadante E, Muto P, Palumbo G, Manzo A, Montanino A, Sandomenico C, Sforza V, Costanzo R, Damiano S, La Manna C, Martucci N, La Rocca A, De Luca G, Totaro G, De Cecio R, Picone C, Piccirillo MC, De Feo G, Tracey M, D'Auria S, Normanno N, Capasso A, Pascarella G. JCO Oncol Pract. 2022 Nov 16:OP2200358. doi: 10.1200/OP.22.00358. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36383923

    28) Immunotherapy Assessment: A New Paradigm for Radiologists. Granata V, Fusco R, Setola SV, Simonetti I, Picone C, Simeone E, Festino L, Vanella V, Vitale MG, Montanino A, Morabito A, Izzo F, Ascierto PA, Petrillo A.Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jan 13;13(2):302. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13020302.PMID: 36673112

    29) Radiation Recall Pneumonitis: The Open Challenge in Differential Diagnosis of Pneumonia Induced by Oncological Treatments. Grassi F, Granata V, Fusco R, De Muzio F, Cutolo C, Gabelloni M, Borgheresi A, Danti G, Picone C, Giovagnoni A, Miele V, Gandolfo N, Barile A, Nardone V, Grassi R.J Clin Med. 2023 Feb 10;12(4):1442. doi: 10.3390/jcm12041442

    30) Dose Reduction Strategies for Pregnant Women in Emergency Settings.

    Picone C, Fusco R, Tonerini M, Fanni SC, Neri E, Brunese MC, Grassi R, Danti G, Petrillo A, Scaglione M, Gandolfo N, Giovagnoni A, Barile A, Miele V, Granata C, Granata V.J Clin Med. 2023 Feb 25;12(5):1847. doi: 10.3390/jcm12051847

    More Info.
    Hsiang-Hsuan Michael Yu
    Associate Professor
    Department of Oncologic Sciences
    University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine

    Research Interest: Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Palliative Radiation Oncology, Brain Metastasis, Glioblastoma, and Image-Guided Hypofractionated Radiotherapy

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    Erin Sennett Murphy
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Brain Tumor Institute

    Research Interest: Brain Tumor, Pediatric Tumors, Radiation Oncology

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    Naduparambil K Jacob
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Ohio State University

    Research Interest: Early Detection of Pneumonitis and Pulmonary Fibrosis in Victims of Radiation Accidents/Patients Receiving High Dose Thoracic Exposure; Chronic Kidney Disease and Lung Toxicity in Patients Who Receive Total Body Irradiation as Part of Preparative Regimen for Bone Marrow Transplantation

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    Seung K Lee
    Department of Radiology
    Weill Cornell Medical College
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    Christopher F
    Weston Radiation Physicist
    Department of Physics
    Marshfield Clinic

    Research Interest: Image Guided Radiation Therapy and Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation

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    Xiangrong Qi
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    David Geffen School of Medicine

    Research Interest: Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) and Adaptive Radiation Therapy (ART); Respiration and Motion Management; Clinical Outcome Assessment and Mathematical Modeling

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    Indu Rekha Meesa
    Diagnostic Radiologist
    Department of Radiology
    University of Michigan Health System

    Research Interest: Neuroradiology, Pediatric Radiology, Oncology

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    Murshed Hossain
    Lead Radiation Physicist
    Radiation Oncology
    Unity Point Health Trinity Cancer Center

    Research Interest: Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT), Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT), Multi-Modality (including Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy) Therapy Targeting and Therapy assessment, and PTV Construction and Tx Delivery in the Presence of Target Motion, 4DCT, 4DCBCT

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    Jijo Paul
    Post-Doctoral Research fellow
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Medical College of Wisconsin

    Research Interest: Head and Neck Imaging (DSCT, CBCT, Fluoroscopy, X-ray), Imaging Applications Related to Radiotherapy, Radiation Protection and Safety, Dosimetry

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    Rachid Drissi
    Assistant Professor
    Division of Oncology
    University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

    Research Interest:  Telomeres, Telomerase, Brain Tumors, Radiation, Sensitivity, Resistance, DNA Damage

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    Manjiri Dighe
    Associate Professor
    Department of Radiology
    University of Washington

    Research Interest:  Ultrasound, Obstetrics and Elastography.

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    Percy Lee
    Associate Professor
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    David Geffen School of Medicine

    Research Interest:  Translational Research, Molecular Imaging in Cancer Therapy, Functional Image-Guided Radiation Therapy, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, Multi-Modality Cancer Therapy Combining Targeted Therapy and Radiation Therapy, Anti-Angiogenic Therapies

    More Info.
    Tao Li
    Associate Professor
    Department of Radiology
    University of Washington

    Research Interest:  Focused on Fast Abdominal MR Imaging, Cardiac MRI, and Breast MRI and MR Spectroscopy

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    Minesh P Mehta
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Radiation Oncology

    Research Interest:  Radiation Oncology, Radiosensitizers, Radiosurgery, Proton Therapy, IMRT, IGRT, CNS Tumors, Thoracic Oncology, Combined Modality Therapy, Clinical Trials

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    AJ Anthony J
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Vanderbilt University

    Research Interest:  Cancer Treatments Utilizing Radiation Therapy with Novel Chemotherapy Agents for Cancers of the Head and Neck Region, Human Papilloma Virus Related Cancers of the Head and Neck, and Novel Chemoradiation Treatment Combinations

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    Ben Arnold
    Department of Image Analysis
    Image Analysis, inc

    Research Interest: Optimization Algorithms; Bone; Osteoporosis; Bone Mineral Density; Bone Mineralization; Hip; Musculoskeletal Imaging

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    Manish Dhyani
    Division of Abdominal Imaging and Intervention
    Massachusetts General Hospital

    Research Interest: Ultrasound; Elastography; Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound; Renal Biopsy; Renal Focal Lesions; Medical Devices

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    Isabella Palumbo
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Surgical & Biomedical Sciences
    University of Perugia

    Research Interest: Radiobiology, Target Therapies, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Biological Target Volume

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    Antonio Toesca
    Breast Surgeon
    Department of Breast Surgery
    European Institute of Oncology
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    Nerina Denaro
    Medical Doctor
    Department of Clinical Oncology
    Santa Croce e Carle Cuneo
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    Shirley S Wong
    Medical Oncologist
    Department of Medical Oncology
    Western Hospital

    Research Interest: Uro-Oncology and Gynae-Oncology

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    Mahsa Fatahi
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance
    Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg

    Research Interest: MRI Physics; System Biology; Physics of Biomedical Microscopy; Ionizing Radiation; Mathematical Modelling of Psyological Systems; Ultrasound; Radiation Therapy; Safety in Medical Devices;  Simulation Methods in Medical Engineering

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    Shoude Chang
    Senior Research Officer
    Optical Engineering, Communication Engineering, Electronic Engineering
    National Research Council
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    Johannes Albertus Langendijk
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    University Medical Center Groningen

    Research Interest: Head and Neck Cancer, Prediction Models for Radiation-Induced Side Effects, Proton Therapy, Epidemiology

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    Heming Lu
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

    Research Interest: Radiation Therapy, Especially High Precision Radiotherapy (IMRT, IGRT, ART)

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    Wei Lu
    Department of Interventional Radiology
    Navy General Hospital

    Research Interest: Interventional Procedures; Vascular;  Transcatheter Arterial Embolization (TACE); Percutaneous Intraluminal Angioplasty (PTA); Transcatheter Arterial Infusion (TAI); Percutaneous Intravascular Pot-Catheter System Implantation;  Stent Placement (IVC, Renal Artery, Iliac Artery, Etc.); Transcatheter Fibrinolysis. Non-Vascular; Radiofrequency Ablation; Microwave Ablation; Percutaneous Lumbar Diskectomy; Vertebroplasty; Percutaneous Injection of Intradiscal Space with O2/O3 Gas; Percutaneous Abscess/Cyst Drainage;  Percutaneous Nephrostomy; Stent Placement (Biliary And Esophagus);  Percutaneous Biopsy;  Percutaneous Peritoneovenous Shunting; Percutaneous Gastrostomy. Other Cellular and Molecular Biological Techniques: Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody, PCR and RT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, Confocal Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, Flow Cytometery, Protein Binding in Vitro, TUNEL

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    Ming Zeng
    Associate Professor
    Director of Cancer Center
    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

    Research Interest: SRS, SBRT, Multidiciplenary Cancer Management, Non Invasive Local Therapy, Organ Preservation, Quality of Life, Cancer Care, Concurrent Treatment, Neoadjuvant Treatment

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    Guang Han
    Associate Professor
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Hubei Cancer Hospital

    Research Interest: Radiation Biology; Radiation Prevention; Using 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT and SBRT in Clinical Practice; Translational Medicine, Target Delineation Research

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    Shixiong Liang
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Tongji University

    Research Interest: Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer and Primary Liver Carcinoma, Include both Clinical Investigations and Translational Research

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    Bruno Vieira Caputo
    Associate Professor
    Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology
    Paulista University

    Research Interest: Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, Root Canals, Morphology, HIV, Menopause, Radiography, Panoramic, Bone Resorption

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    S Sirianong
    Associate Professor
    Department of Radiology
    Chiang Mai University

    Research Interest: Nuclear Medicine, Positron Emission Tomography, Bone Mineral Density Measurement, Clinical Epidemiology

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    Ashraf H Hassouna
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Cairo University

    Research Interest: Oncology: Brachytherapy, Head And Neck Cancer, IMRT, Cancer Cervix, Brain Tumours

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    MT Malik Tariq
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Regional Cancer Centre
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    Ali Gholamrezanezhad
    Member of the Research Council and IRB
    Division of Imaging
    Golestan University of Medical Sciences

    Research Interest: Musculoskeletal Imaging and Nuclear Medicine

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